Social Activation of Seniors through Media Education - innovative educational programme for seniors organizations
The SASME project aims to provide adult education institutions (mainly focused on education of seniors) with a comprehensive set of materials (training program on media, ready to implement in the offer for seniors, educational materials supporting trainers in content delivery, as well as trainees in acquiring knowledge - videos), tools (edu board game, European Senior voice magazine as a tool for transferring knowledge and the "laboratory" environment for shaping basic skills, Senior Benefit Card social campaign - a tool for raising awareness and shaping social, entrepreneurial, skills of the elderly), a training method based on voluntary work-based learning of people aged 50+.
Older people are now living longer than previous generations and have different decisions to make about their career and lifestyle. Many older people may wish to remain economically active in order to maintain a lifestyle or they choose self-employment. The potential for continued or increased earnings, is particularly important for older people with lower levels of savings. Remaining active and contributing to society has the additional benefit of improving an older person’s quality of life and reducing their risk of ending in poverty. Therefore encouraging them to participate in educational activities is particularly important.
Apart from increasing knowledge on media, through the SASME training program, seniors will be shaping writing skills, involvement of seniors in work in press office will build communication skills, team working and social and civic competencies enabling more active participation in local community.
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